here is my own story.
My Story.........
The Beginning - I came from a working-class council house background with very little money but had something special that money could never buy, a very loving and supporting family. I developed an entrepreneurial and business mindset at the age of 13 when I wanted a lime green racing bike. My parents told me if I saved half the money, they’d give me the rest. They didn’t need to. I got a job doing an early morning paper round and worked on a market stall three times a week and bought it myself. This taught me some very important things, life is what you make it, and you can get whatever you want with the right mindset if you believe you can do it.
The Start of my Fitness Journey
Major Life Milestone: Turned 21 and my first ever gym workout, which was to become the solid foundation on which I built my entire life and business.150 dive bomber press ups then stand on one leg and deliver 100 roundhouse kicks without dropping your leg, easy when you decide you want to do it ......